Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's here... Hurricane Season '11

Well... Hurricane season is upon us.  If you are anything like me, you like to check on the tropical outlooks. is the website where you can do that.

Experts are saying that this year is going to be bad for hurricanes, but I don't believe it as much as they are trying to say so.  There is no way to really know, but we'll see what happens.  Some people believe that we are "due for a big storm" since it's been a few years, but it's not a good excuse for raising insurance rates.

This will be short, but basically, make sure you have plenty of bottled water on hand, check the website above to see what's going on and make sure you have a plan for what to do if a small, medium, or large hurricane hits.

     Secure pets, bring in plants, gather up your daily meds, and make sure you have plenty of prepackaged food, water, and batteries.

     Same as small, but consider your evacuation plan.  You might be in an area that deems evacuation and you'll want a full tank of gas and everything ready to go.

     Same as small and medium, but be sure you are not one of the last ones to leave.  Roadways will jam and it will make it difficult to leave if you wait too long.  If you have a safe inland place to go, go early.  Be sure before you leave to unplug anything you can and getting things off the floor in case of flooding.

Most of all... Be safe and be prepared.

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